The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3029054
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
11-Nov-10 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

John King comments:
Councillors at Three Rivers District Coucil are trying to find out from their Licensing Dept why only 17% of all premises in the area are authorised for live music.

TRDC Licensing Officers reveal how a... co...mbination of the Licensing Act 2003 and Environmental Protection Act 1990 result in a zero-tolerance of live music.

The licensed premises noise complaint flow chart in Appendix 1, shows how a premises licence review can be triggered by one complaint, even 'if no noise nuisance is witnessed'. Premises can expect anything from a complete ban on live music to prohibitive restrictions, such as a ban on amplification, requirements for SIA registered doorstaff to regulate gigs, restrictions on the number of musicians, and so on. Most premises give up hosting live music at this point. One more complaint can result in a heavy fine - even without evidence.

Not only is the licence holder punished, but the premises itself will not be able to put on music in the future. In many cases even unamplified live music is banned, while recorded music and broadcast sporting events are allowed.

And we have other examples where additional Entertainment licensing permission is paid for and granted but is prevented as Planning permission is not granted.

The net result of all this duplication of legislation and effort is an Amozonian jugle of red tape in which live music is very shortly going to be a thing of the past. A small venues exemption may help (if it ever arrives) but it is time for a total re-think of way to rescue live music from the 'vandals'.