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Thread #133340   Message #3029595
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Nov-10 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
""President Bush relied on the legal advice he was provided by John Yoo to authorize waterboarding and other harsh methods.""

Or to put it more accurately, President Bush relied on the money he was paying John Yoo to elicit the response President Bush wanted.

""Anyone on this forum that suspects that the Obama Justice Department would NOT like to prosecute GWB as a war criminal must be living in a different world. If they had a shred of evidence he is guilty, they would prosecute.""

True! If they had the evidence which Bush either destroyed, or had somebody else destroy, they might well have prosecuted, but Bush made sure that the evidence vanished.

""I tell you this because there would be no way to know the interview will take place because you do not watch the "fair and balanced" channel.""

Faux News the "fair and balanced channel"?

I used to think you were just thick, but now I know you are stark raving looney.

Don T.