The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133340   Message #3029653
Posted By: Amos
11-Nov-10 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Anyone on this forum that suspects that the Obama Justice Department would NOT like to prosecute GWB as a war criminal must be living in a different world. If they had a shred of evidence he is guilty, they would prosecute.

Absolute horsepucky, Doug. Does it occur to you that to start such a prosecution in the midst of a depression with th enation more viciously divided than it has been since 1860 would ruin any chance of constructive progress? Does it occur to you that whether you believe it or not there may actually BE people anxious to make constructive progress in bettering things?

Give me one effin' break, sir.