The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133340   Message #3029753
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Nov-10 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
You are both equally the other's terms. ;-) Matter of fact, most of the people who post here are irrelevant in each other's terms, because hardly anyone comes here to actually listen to anyone else...just to hear themselves talk and get a charge out of that. We are all engaging in the glory of our complete irrelevance vis a vis one another's opinions, and does anyone care? Ha! Ha! It's just like the infantile political debating shows on American TV. Mutual incomprehension underlaid with mutual contempt and a dash of snide indifference on the side...makes for a tasty yet piquant dish that sticks to your ribs for a short time only. Soon you will be back to the dinner table or the idiot box for more.

And while it's all happening, the plutocrats and bankers continue to rule.