The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133340   Message #3029848
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Nov-10 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Just a little historical comment here...

The USA committed massive war crimes against the indigenous population in the Phillipines following the defeat of Spain in the Spanish American War. At least 100,000 Filipinos were slaughtered for attempting to seek independence from US military rule.

No one in the USA was ever tried for those war crimes.

Winston Churchill ordered the slaughter of a great number of Middle Easterners in the area now called Iraq when they resisted the British colonial occupation. The British were there for the oil. Tribesmen were strafed and bombed by the RAF and massacred en masse.

Winston Churchill and the RAF were never tried for those war crimes.

The USA illegally bombed Cambodia during the Vietnam War, causing the destablization of that society and the eventual emergence of the Khymer Rouge who killed about 1/3 of the population of that country. The Khymer Rouge's main patrons were Red China and (for awhile) the CIA.

Nixon and the American military were never tried for those war crimes.

What on Earth makes anyone think Bush ever will be tried for waterboarding people, invading Iraq, lying about his reasons for doing so, etc???

Not a chance!

Look, people, the wealthy elite that runs the $ySStem does not get tried for war crimes. They OWN the courts and the mass media and Congress and the military and the police. They are not made accountable. And they never will be....unless some future alliance of nations successfully invades and conquers the USA in some future war which we cannot yet foresee or imagine.

Then maybe the American ruling elite will be put on trial. But short of that happening?   Never.