The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3029916
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Nov-10 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
i shall be charitable and accept that its too complicated for a scientist/teacher like you to explain evolutionary theory to a simple man like me.
like i said before:you like to issue challenges but wont accept them.

Pete. For Pete's sake, Pete. I've typed stuff about evolutionary theory on these threads till my bloody fingers bled. You've abundantly proved that you don't listen anyway. However. Here's the theory of natural selection in a nutshell (I wouldn't bother normally, but Darwin's big idea is so devastatingly simple that you can put it into one sentence). PETE, CAN YOU HEAR ME OUT THERE?!! Here goes. And thanks to Richard Dawkins for this definition, which I couldn't possibly better.

"Given sufficient time, the non-random survival of hereditary entities (which occasionally miscopy) will generate complexity, diversity, beauty and an illusion of design so persuasive that it is almost impossible to distinguish from deliberate intelligent design."

There you are, Pete. It's all about the non-random survival of attributes which can be inherited. That's what makes species change. Non-random is the natural selection bit. Miscopies are what we call mutations. Sufficient time means about four and a half billion years (it doesn't work if you think fossils are God's playthings, or that the Earth was created in 4004BC, or that the only creatures to survive were the ones that boarded a small wooden ship two-by-two). Yes, Dawkins' definition is deliberately tendentious, but it's highly accurate nonetheless.

Now go and get yourself a book about Darwin (or even Darwin's own) and flesh it out for yourself, instead of coming on here and asking daft questions with that faux-innocent "simple man" bit. Any more of this and it won't be simple man, it'll be simple-minded.