The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133366   Message #3030067
Posted By: mandotim
12-Nov-10 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: WAV's BBC-Recorded Slam: Cut Capitalism
Subject: RE: BS: WAV's BBC-Recorded Slam: Cut Capitalism
Righto,so we have a UN army in WAVworld. Pray tell me, o enlightened Antipodean, who would be in charge of this army? Would that person be elected? If so, how? If you think an army can be governed by committee, I would refer you to early Polish history, where an attempt to do this resulted in invasion and occupation of Poland for hundreds of years. Final question; if we have what in effect is a World Army, to whom is it accountable? If it screws up (as all armies do) who will mete out discipline?