The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133350   Message #3030875
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Nov-10 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Atheist Delusion
Subject: RE: BS: The Atheist Delusion
As I've noted earlier, it's obvious to anybody who does a modicum of research--of course that may exclude some of our dear atheists, who don't want to have their comfortable assumptions disturbed-- that Hitler and Christian churches in Germany did not in fact get along.

The Third Reich pushed as hard as it could to undermine the churches--without stirring up a lot of opposition.    In fact several times it overstepped acceptable limits--even regarding a fearful Catholic community--and had to pull back.

The Nazis tried to fold all Catholic youth groups into the Hitlerjugend.

They carried out "morality" trials, accusing Catholic religious figures of sexual abuse of minors (where have we heard this before?--and it's an easy , damaging,charge, hard to refute regardless of how trumped up it may be in a given case).

In 1935 Hitler declared in Nuernberg that he was not against Christianity in itself, but " we will fight it for the sake of keeping our public life free from those priests who have failed their calling and who should have become politicians rather than clergymen."

And of course he was to determine which priests had thus "failed their calling."

There was an order to remove crucifixes from churches in northern Germany in 1936.   One bishop, Clemens von Galen, resisted this--and encouraged mass protest against it. The Reich backed down.

It's obvious to anybody who does even a bit of research that Hitler treated religion as something either to be exploited or--when that was not an option--opposed and undermined.