The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73263   Message #3031547
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Nov-10 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat - how did you get here?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat - how did you get here?
That's what I remember and hope, too, Jon. I've certainly thought of you as a friend for many years now. You always come to mind when I wear the carnelian necklace you made and put in the auction which my sister won AND when I look at and handle the tumbled stones you sent from the beach. I love them. I think I mentioned, Night Owl asks after you every now and then. She and I still have such good memories of late night HearMe sessions with you dazzling us with your talent and ability. The HearMe sessions got her through some awfully dark nights after the house fire and all.