The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133559   Message #3031731
Posted By: GUEST,Banjoman'smate
14-Nov-10 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: ADD: What Heroes Thou Hast Bred (Menzies/Smith)
Subject: ? lyrics - What Heroes Thou Hast Bred
Being Remembrance Sunday I started singing one of my favourite school hymns, always sung at this time. Sadly I've forgotten some of the 2nd verse lyrics & cannot find them on the www. can anybody help me please?

Research has found that the words were written by G.K. Menzies. music possibly by Gustav Holst "Stepney"? It was in "Songs Of Praise" hymnal in 30's (I was singing it in the 1950's) &, according to Wiki, "The Oremus Hymnal" for schools. It is listed there but nothing else.

I knew it as "Heroes"

What heroes thou hast bred,
Oh England my country.
I see the mighty dead pass in line.
Each with undaunted heart
Playing his gallant part,
Making thee what thou art,
Mother of mine.

Then let me take my place,
Oh England my country.
Amid the gallant race that is thine.
Mother of mine.

Nowadays this is probably considered not politically correct but I loved it as a child, it had a glorious tune & emotive words, & I would be delighted to recover the missing lines.

Hoping somebody can help, thanks in advance,
