The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133151   Message #3031735
Posted By: Paul Davenport
14-Nov-10 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
Subject: RE: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
Now here's a thing. I went to the Riley Technical High School in Hull. So did my Uncle and so did my brother in law. But you know what? We actually attended three different sites in three different parts of the city at three different times. The important thing was the name and the memory of the said Mr Riley. It was not about a piece of land or a pile of bricks. It was all about academic tradition. The school was rebuilt and relocated several times. I need hardly point out that Cecil Sharp Hse is clearly more important to a certain faction of the society than the memory of Cecil Sharp himself. The insistence on clinging onto a building which by the looks of the balance sheets is actually unfit for most purposes except as a place to hire out to other interests is creating a liability which affects everyone with an interest in English folk song and dance. This year the house is only valued at just shy of 1.5 million quid. Recession aside, it has been losing value at an alarming rate over the last 10 years! It seems that soon it won't have enough value to qualify as an asset.