The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133473 Message #3032222
Posted By: Joe Offer
14-Nov-10 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jack Tar / Poor Jack / Saucy Sailor
Subject: RE: Origins: Jack Tar / Poor Jack / Saucy Sailor
Well, it gets confusing, Steve. The main topic of this thread is a series of songs about a sailor's proposal of marriage is refused because he stinks of tar. Some songs titled "Jack Tar" or "Jolly Tar" tell that tale, and some do not.
The Tarry Sailor song that Q posted has the rejected proposal, but not the stink of tar - BUT, as in "Paper of Pins," the woman changes her mind and accepts the proposal when she smells money. At this the suitor smells a rat, and withdraws his proposal.
Pretty smelly affair, all round.
But to queer the do a bit more, the Digital Traditions has two songs, Jack Tar I and Jack Tar II, which don't have anything to do with a marriage proposal.