The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133350   Message #3033138
Posted By: Ron Davies
15-Nov-10 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Atheist Delusion
Subject: RE: BS: The Atheist Delusion
"The idea that Hitler wanted to destroy the Church is not true."

Fine.   And what is your evidence-- besides your own wishful thinking?   Your rambling about South America is remarkably pointless--even for a desperate atheist.

The 3rd Reich was as hostile to religion as they dared be without rousing mass protest--as I have already illustrated.    And they blatantly substituted Nazi "saints" for Catholic ones, and Hitler for God--as I have also pointed out.    You can easily tell the attitude of a regime by what is taught the young--and in the 3rd Reich the attitude of the rulers was painfully obvious--except perhaps to Mudcat atheists in deep denial.

Of course it does appear that the #1 rule of the atheist catechism is to conveniently miss reading anything that disturbs the comfortable assumptions an atheist lives by--with the exceptions of Amos and Bill D, who do in fact read posts and have a much more nuanced view of the subject.