The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133524   Message #3033391
Posted By: greg stephens
16-Nov-10 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: Moulettes - not folk say gatekeepers
Subject: RE: Moulettes – not folk say gatekeepers
The Moulettes are a very interesting group, and I like them. Undoubtedly, they are not "folk" in the sense in which I would normally use the word. Equally undoubtedly, they are "folk" in the way a lot of people use the word nowadays. If Ian Anderson doesn't want to cover this sort of thing in fRoots, that is fine, it's up to him, he's the editor. Though I fancy he would probably increase his readership a bit if he did cover this sort of area a bit more.Because, whether you like it or not, or whether you call it folk or not, this sort of music's lineage definitely descends from the 60's folk revival. The same remarks apply to the Mumfords.