The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133524   Message #3033771
Posted By: Ian Anderson
16-Nov-10 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: Moulettes - not folk say gatekeepers
Subject: RE: Moulettes – not folk say gatekeepers
Hello, gatehouse here. Have come to this one late, and am pleasantly surprised by how many have come to our defence.

When Moulettes manager Joe Cushley pressed me as to why their album hadn't been listed in our "new releases received" news, I replied as follows:

I just checked the database. It's not listed because it didn't go through for review. That's not a quality judgement, it's a relevance to fRoots issue (the database entry says "quirky acoustic indie, Mumford & Sons meet Lily Allen") Sorry!

So to be clear, nobody said "it's not folk". I've not heard the record myself and had no influence over this particular decision (though by the comment logged, I'd probably have agreed). I did see them at a London club around a year ago though, where they and their chums made an intrusive and impolite racket all through the set by Sara Grey & Kieron Means, and then proceeded to be not awfully interesting when they got on stage so I didn't stay for the whole set.

And I can only echo others: if all those proper grownup mass-circulation publications say they're the bees knees, why care what little fRoots or S***lines thinks?