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Thread #133612   Message #3034473
Posted By: Donuel
17-Nov-10 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: TSA groping your junk
Subject: RE: BS: TSA groping your junk
Regarding the true amount of incredible detail the Air Port topical scanners produce: It seems there is a recent effort to make people believe that there is no detail or even a discernable image made by scanners. Recently submitting examples of blurred blob like X ray scan images in many U tube additions are BS.

To try to fool people and blatently lie is the standard way people and authorities deal with issues. Do not be fooled by the recent blizzard of phoney blurry images by airport X Ray machines.\It is BS

Fooling 20% of the people all the time is somthing you can count on.
Not getting fooled is hard work but it does pay off over time.

The only controversy on this new police policy is that of

"It is reasonable!"


"I feel it it is unreasonable"

To the 'Its reasonable; crowd:

After you watch a you tube video of the anguish of a 3 1/2 year old girl being searched in all her private areas while being held by her father. She struggles between these two large men who are virtually molesting her in front of a crowd of people. This is not the kind of protest a child makes when vaccinated, this will obviously be a long lasting memory for her. I could see her feelings of fear and betrayal.

Maybe then you may begin to see the long reaching conflicts regarding issues of trust, betrayal and safety this girl experiences while her father aids in the invasion of every crevice in her body. At least I would hope you have the humanity and insight to understand and project how her feelings will be affected into the future.

I earlier mentioned hypothetical issues in which the child issue was but one of many. Perhaps explicit images will be more meaningful than a mere list of possible scenarios that were not given a second thought.

To the 'it's unreasonable' crowd:

The Supreme Court should be able to settle this debate, however it is probably not sympathetic to your sensibilities since our particularly conservative court has ruled this decade that it is reasonable to stop passenger vehicles and undertake searches and seizures of occupants and property based on the observation by the officer.

You might consider re-educating children to the ins and outs of searches as well as yourselves to the changes in society and Constitutional protections and just get used to it. Overall its not as uncomfortable as having the common cold.

If there is a middle ground on this issue it would be good to put it in place ASAP. The SHOE BOMBER has us taking off our shoes, The SHAMPOO BOMBER so we lost our toiletries and the UNDERWEAR BOMBER has us looking in underwear. There was a RECTUM BOMBER (no joke) who blew himself up in Saudi Arabia, which is part of the reason why the X raying of passengers has been increased. If people opt for the pat down it defeats the purpose of finding the next Rectal Bomber.

OK an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Are we not already into the tons of prevention?

How far is too far?
As far as any terrorist wants us to go?

IF SO, there are many new things to give up... (hypothetically)

The Tampon/maxipad Bomber
The Trojan bomber
The "vinyl" suitcase bomber.
The "cloth" suitcase bomber.
The skis bomber.
The Book Bomber.
The Kindle bomber.
The laptop (that still appeared to turn on) bomber
The binky bomber
The Elmo bomber.
The dentures bomber
The prosthetic limb bomber.
The Colostomy bag bomber
The catheter urine bomber
The key chain flashlight bomber.
The key chain bomber.
The violin, trumpet, guitar...bomber.
The cheese bomber
The brazier bomber
The Capt. Sullenberger bomber (yep he has to get X rayed too!)
The thin air bomber
The psychological bomber ...opps... that would be all of them

PS There is a dial on the scanner that does remove detail. There is also a dial to adjust the amount of radiation. There is a more powerful version of this scanner which can look into wood framed homes with great detail, but these X ray machines are mounted in mid sized vans and trucks.

Yes the manufacturer claims there is no physical harm from their enormous X ray machines, especially when compared to the harm a dirty bomb would do.