The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133538   Message #3034525
Posted By: Stringsinger
17-Nov-10 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: The relevancy delusion....
Subject: RE: BS: The relevancy delusion....
"Stewart was very two faced in that interview and would not directly and clearly answer her questions."

This is not true. He did answer her questions by saying that demonizing sheds no light but heat on issues.

" He screwed up the message of his own rally. He got called on it and then he went on Maddow to try to do damage control."

No, he went on Madow to clarify his position which was distorted by pundits.

"And btw contrary to what he said he is no Jerry Seinfeld. His show is 8 minutes of watered down Olbermann, 6 minutes of predictable sketches with his corespondents and 8 minutes of kissing the ass of someone selling a book."

Olbermann is very entertaining so this would be a good model of Jon. Nothing could be more predictable than Seinfeld.

I'm glad that Jon is presenting books since Americans seemingly have forgotten how to read let alone think.

I disagree with this appraisal of Stewart. Fortunately, Rachel had the sense to have him on her show.