The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133689   Message #3035605
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Nov-10 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Sarah looks a fair bit like Natasha (the Russian spy) in the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, but she is far less communist, of course. Can you imagine how terrified Bullwinkle is at the thought of her becoming president? Frostbite Falls will probably secede from the Union if she does, and apply to join Canada. And we would take them gladly.

As for dressing a moose...that's not easy! Trust me. They much prefer to go naked. I know a man who tried to dress one. He went into the woods armed with a red bikini, a set of black fishnet stockings, and some garters, French perfume, and a moose call. Within fifteen minutes he had attracted a healthy and sexually mature moose. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a male moose! When he tried to put the bikini, stockings, and garters on the naked bull moose so that he could have kinky sex with it, all hell broke loose. The moose nearly killed him. It isn't easy with female moose either. I only know of one case in the last 50 years where anyone succeeded in dressing a female moose, and that was Lonesome Eddie, the Mad Trapper, and he only succeeded because he had spiked the moose's favorite water hole with 150 gallons of Canadian whiskey and the moose got stinking drunk! They ended up living together for the rest of the winter, but by spring Lonesome Eddie had run out of whiskey, and the moose became sober one day, realized with horror what she had done, trampled Lonesome Eddie into something resembling a huge meat patty and left him lying outside the door of his cabin as a dire warning to all others who would dare attempt to dress moose.

I do not believe that Sarah Palin has ever dressed a moose or even attempted to. She's not that stupid.