The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133673   Message #3036084
Posted By: MGM·Lion
19-Nov-10 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Illogicalities
Subject: RE: BS: Illogicalities
I wonder where the "dozen" measurment originates?
So much of our produce is packed that way. Multiples of 10 is logical enough, it's how we count things, but 12? Why not 14 or 17 or any other number? >>> C♭
It wasn't God of a law·of·Nature who said we have to count things that way, you know C.

In fact maths on a base/12 would make much more sense than our conventional metric/decimal system, surely ~ so many more factors? Didn't Nikolai Ivanovitch Lobachevsky [he of Tom Lehrer's great song] propose and formulate a mathematic based on 12? Or was that someone else? Anyhow...

It's just that we happen to have 10 fingers/thumbs to count on that presumably accounts for the daft system that has evolved. Another bit of evidence that those who urge "Intelligent Design" should just take a hard look around.
