The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133730   Message #3036599
Posted By: skarpi
20-Nov-10 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Free Ireland
Subject: RE: Free Irealnd
I say no to EU and I will always do that .Iceland will not go into EU .
I hope Ireland will go out of EU .
EU is block of sharks who will take what ever they can to get money
out of it , for them self and theirs .

Just like the IMF urrrrr

Ireland should let the bank go over and let them be bankrupt , do not
spend more money on the banksharks ..let them roll over , it will
be bad for few months , but gets better sooner than you think ..
let the bank roll over ....we the people should not have to use our money to help the people who got us into this mess go on ....
get huge bonus and so on , while the people suffer .....urrrrrr
let bank roll over in Ireland UK and Scotland .

kv Skarpi