The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133689   Message #3036627
Posted By: Bobert
20-Nov-10 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Well, Ake, ol' boy... Since 1982 we have had Republican control of either the executive or legislative branch of government all but 4 years so we're used to Republican ***rule***... Governance??? No so...

Palin, however, bares little resemblance to a Republican... Otyher than gettin' people pissed off at something or someone I haven't heard anything that sounds even remotely Republican... Might of fact, I don't see too many Republicans in the Republican Party anymore... I see a bunch of unAmerican crybaby wackos paradin' as Repubs... They don't really have any grasp of reality...

But, hey, if the wackos have taken over the Republican Party than who better to be their standard bearer than Ms. Sarah... I mean, she really is the centerpiece of the wacko, slash and burn America Wacko-publican Party...

As for Chongz... I understand his fascination with them... "Slash and burn" is right up his alley and Ms Sarah is a looker... Heck. other than the top spot on the ticket, he fits right in...
