The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133730   Message #3036658
Posted By: John MacKenzie
20-Nov-10 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: Free Ireland
Subject: RE: Free Irealnd
Oh yes, the banks in general, and the US banks in particular. Of that there is no doubt, but they're no going to help us out are they?
I mean if we were a third world country in danger of falling under communist influence, or in possession of large oil deposits.
Then I'm sure that Uncle Sam would send us a bit of foreign aid, just out of the goodness of his heart.
Just to help us out of our 'little local difficulty'
Hardy har har ☻
Yes I know the US is in the poop too, but I don't see them taking the lead in imposing controls or penalties on those same bankers.
After all if they did that, then other governments, would do likewise, instead of holding their fire, fearful that the poor bankers might leave to work in another country.