The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3037056
Posted By: Sawzaw
20-Nov-10 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Original characterization and critical evaluations:

Detail of an illustration from the first book edition of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Depicts Uncle Tom as young and muscular

At the time of the novel's initial publication in 1851 Uncle Tom was a rejection of the existing stereotypes of minstrel shows; Stowe's melodramatic story humanized the suffering of slavery for white audiences by portraying Tom as a Christlike figure who is ultimately martyred, beaten to death by a cruel [Democrat] master because Tom refuses to betray the whereabouts of two fugitive female slaves.

James Weldon Johnson, a prominent figure of the Harlem Renaissance, expresses an ambivalent opinion in his autobiography:

    For my part, I was never an admirer of Uncle Tom, nor of his type of goodness; but I believe that there were lots of old Negroes as foolishly good as he; the proof of which is that they knowingly stayed and worked on the plantations that furnished sinews for the army which was fighting to keep them enslaved."[Democrats]

Yassah the Uncle Toms kissed up to the Democrats. So the cowardly Democrats have to invent the Dixiecrat Myth to try to wash the blood from their hands and blame all of their history of racism on the Republicans.

Even today the only interest Democrats have in Black folks is their votes. To secure their votes thay blame all of their problems on Republicans.

LBJ at tha time of the reincarnation of the Deocrats: "I'll have those Ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years"

You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." – Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)

Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey's cars?" Left-wing radio host Neil Rogers

Blacks and Hispanics are too busy eating watermelons and tacos to learn how to read and write. CBS News Mike Wallace.

In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and [there] were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master … exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him. Colin Powell's committed to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture. Harry Belafonte

Republicans bring out Colin Powell and J.C. Watts because they have no program, no policy. They have no love and no joy. They'd rather take pictures with black children than feed them. Donna Brazile

(On Clarence Thomas) A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom. Spike Lee

(on Ward Connerly) He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black. Senator Diane Watson

Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. Senator Robert Byrd

These laws [segregation] are still constitutional and I promise you that until they are removed from the ordinance books of Birmingham and the statute books of Alabama, they will be enforced in Birmingham to the utmost of my ability and by all lawful means. Democrat Bull Connor