The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133689   Message #3037134
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Nov-10 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Pig with lipstick 2012
Bobert, Chongo is NOT a Republican!


He is with the APP. That's the American Primate Party. Their platform bears very little resemblance to the Republican Party platform, and they are feared and despised by both the Republicans and the Democrats, because they take votes away from the big 2. Chongo's policies are definitely antiwar, pro-environment, anti-corporate, and for the little guy. Chongo would withdraw from both Iraq and Afghanistan and would dismantle all USA military bases in foreign lands. He would bring the troops home. He would shut down the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) and put money creation back in the hands of the government itself, rather than the major banks. He would de-criminalize all drugs, but not allow them to be marketed by commercial enterprises of any sort, and would provide clinical aid to drug addicts. He would discontinue the death penalty. He would probably disband the CIA or at least greatly reduce their powers. He would start up projects to restore REAL jobs to American workers by stimulating local industry instead of flooding the nation with cheap goods from China. He would discontinue the huge subsidies provided to products like corn, and encourage a return to small scale traditional agriculture by busting up the big food conglomerates. He would also encourage responsible gun ownership, because he's definitely pro-gun, but he'd require people to take gun handling courses at approved facilities before allowing them to own guns, and they would have to be free of any past criminal record of violent crime to be allowed to own guns. He would apply different (more stringent) gun laws in metropolitan areas than in rural areas, recognizing that rural people have a great many more practical reason for owning and using long guns. Mountain people, for example, who live in the Ozarks or the other remote mountain areas...them he would basically leave alone, because they're still living in the old style, hunting, and they need their guns. He would resume a peaceful space program with the objective of landing men on Mars by 2020, and would open up further investigation into the UFO controversy. He would take the USA out of NATO and recommend that NATO be disbanded. He would balance the budget by slashing military spending. He would provide affordable health care to all citizens through public health insurance. He would prosecute the bankers who create money bubbles through irresponsible speculation. He would slash credit card interest charges in half. He would make Woody Allen apologize for all that damn whining he's done over the years, and tell Glenn Beck to shut his damn piehole!

Now...does that sound like either a Democrat or a Republican to you? It doesn't to me. Chongo is on an independent path. ;-D