The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116477   Message #3037625
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
21-Nov-10 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Many types of 'green beans'. In NE U. S., refers to the string bean or spap bean, a type of P. vulgaris.
They can be damn tasty, regardless of whose recipe, Campbell's or other. We buy them frozen here in winter, and use them in chicken pot pies and stews. In summer, you have to get to the market early to avoid the elbows of shoppers picking through the pile.

The casserole, popular in some areas of the U. S. at Thanksgiving, usually is composed of the beans, french onions and mushroom soup.
Raised in the west, I had never eaten the casserole, until I spent a Thanksgiving with friends in New Jersey.