The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133765 Message #3037661
Posted By: Ed T
21-Nov-10 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
Polygamy is one thing.
But, Poly-Grip is just plain bad, and people need to know it.
My neighbours had five wives (all at the same time, the lucky trout). But, he always seemed to say he was feeling lousy....and, he never looked too good either. We just thought it was related to exhauston from having too may wives.
It seems he had been using poly-grip for years (you know, zink for the dink). Now we know, from the poli-grip recall, that it was the zink causing many of his problems, not the dink.
Seems the Zinc contained in Poligrip can deplete copper levels, resulting in the neuropathy and other neurological injuries by zinc poisoning.
Now you know it. And avoid it like the plague....poly-grip, not Polygamy.