The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133151   Message #3037909
Posted By: mikesamwild
22-Nov-10 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
Subject: RE: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
In my copy of the review of the year 2009-2010, it shows The Society has £400,000 over three years from October 2009 to March 2011 from Arts Council England (ACE) That is a great step forward and the Society is to be congratulated.

The award was made under the Labour Government and I've been assured by a Board member that there won't be new criteria to meet, just inevitable 10% cuts like all public sector awards.

That money wouldn't go far if thinly spread but I hope the Board get the message from some of us provincials and grassrooters and stimulate te traditioanl folk arts where they really lie - with the thousands of amateur enthusiasts.

Gav Davenport , at the AGM, wisely said that as an aspiring semi professional he felt uncomfortable with an emphasis on promoting paid performers

Other agencies or local promoters may be better at that and EFDSS should be one hub for such enterpreneurial activity.

Regional activity of EFDSS isn't too strong so that needs all the helpers it can get to maximise efforts.