The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133667   Message #3037913
Posted By: mikesamwild
22-Nov-10 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Subsidy to Ireland to increase UK deficit
Subject: RE: BS: Subsidy to Ireland to increase UK deficit
What's in it for a capitalist country like UK? (not just England!)

Will 'we' demand the Irish banks etc etc if Ireland defaults. Re-unification by economics!

Bernard Ingrams , Mrs Thatcher's Press Secretary, used to extol the benfits of 'A good dose of colonial administration ' for failed states.

I remember that old Fenian song 'Whack fol the diddle' my Dad used to sing

'When we were savage , rough and wild, whack etc
She came as a mother comes to her child, whack etc

The Tories still support the Union.