The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133730   Message #3038327
Posted By: GUEST,Alan Whittle
22-Nov-10 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: Free Ireland
Subject: RE: Free Ireland
I suppose its true. The Irish (like us) could have been more circumspect in the boom years. But hell, we'd have missed out on a few good years.

And really, seeing as life's a bit of a miserable business - you can't really begrudge folks a bit of fun now and then. Less unemployment, their houses worth a bit more, a bit of re-focussing money away from the posh bits of the country, new hospitals built, the schools getting a lick of paint and new books...

I know such thing as a free lunch, free England, free Ireland or whatever.... but if I were Tony and Gordon, I wouldn't apologise for it. Maybe Bertie would feel the same.