The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133730   Message #3038506
Posted By: skarpi
23-Nov-10 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: Free Ireland
Subject: RE: Free Ireland
hallo all , well now the IMF the wolfs have put their claws
into Ireland ...and are helping out the people who put the crisis
on the Nation of Ireland , Peter K .said and wrote :the criminal behaviour of the banks (some of them UK-based) , well why help them ??
let banks fall ..start over again its much cheaper than goin to IMF and
EU for help .

we here in Iceland let the banks fall , all three of them , yes
many people disagree with the goverment , but now more and more people
are seeing that this was the only thing to do , so now we are going up slower than we should , becouse of ( Icesave ) but when that
solved , we should go fast up again .

so I say , let the banks fall , donĀ“t help the criminals bankers ...
put them down .

all the best Skarpi