The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133744   Message #3039202
Posted By: Janie
23-Nov-10 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Thanksgiving
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Thanksgiving

I have wondered for the 24 years I have lived in North Carolina why Thanksgiving is not culturally as significant a family gathering/Feast Day as it is from whence I came. I think you may have explained it.

Dad, aside from being my favorite dad, is also a favorite Uncle, not to mention favorite Grandfather. One of my cousins proposed a family reunion so that everyone who can make it gets to see and spend time with him before he gets too ill. We are headed for an in-gathering of the Williams clan at a resort in West Virginia and will get to spend time with cousins, aunts, nieces and nephews from all over the East that have not been together since my grandparents died, close to 17 years ago. (And Mom won't have to cook!)

More precious than gold.