The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133765 Message #3039341
Posted By: JohnInKansas
24-Nov-10 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
At least the Canadian government has this all in mind at the highest levels(?)
OTTAWA — A small but significant slip of the tongue had Canada's industry minister pleading for "more Canadian sex stories" on Monday ... .
"We need more Canadian sex stories," Tony Clement told an Ottawa crowd during a speech on the government's digital strategy.
A roar of laughter prevented him from correcting himself for a few seconds. "We need more Canadian SUCCESS stories ..." he said, pausing to emphasize the correction, "... like RIM and its world-famous — and now ubiquitous — BlackBerry."
Teased by reporters about the slip, Clement insisted he had not been thinking about sex.
"The male brain is a very strange organ at times, isn't it? I have no explanation," he said.
"It really was not on my mind. I want to stress that for the record. It just sort of blurted out."