The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133825   Message #3039685
Posted By: VirginiaTam
24-Nov-10 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Subject: RE: BS: banksy art or vandalism
There is a free wall (graffiti encouraged) at the end of the car park where I work. We can see it from our office window. Always something interesting happening down there, model and car photo shoots. Once the council sent painters to whitewash racist messages. Some really beautiful art happens there. Sad that it is so transitory.

Couple of weeks ago we had some young carers in work for 2.5 day session looking at illuminated documents in the archive and working with professional street artist Scott Irving create their own illuminated artwork.

I think it was a wonderful idea and these young people who have to care for parents or siblings with disability certainly enjoyed it. We had 12 booked. Only 6 could make it. Others cancelled due to caring responsibilities.

article here

These kids got to be involved in both history and art culture relevant to their age. Neither is normally accessible to them and certainly this was not a project to dismiss as mere encouragement to vandalism.