The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133825 Message #3039689
Posted By: Jim Dixon
24-Nov-10 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Subject: RE: BS: banksy art or vandalism
OK, I just looked up Banksy. I love it! In particular, I think this is brilliant, not so much for beauty, as for social commentary.
Say, would it be too much trouble, when someone starts a thread about a topic that might not be recognized worldwide, to give a little help with a link?
What's the problem here? That people don't realize this web site is used by people from all over the world? That they don't realize that the hot topics in their little corner might not be hot everywhere else? Or that they just can't be "bovvered" to consider such things? Well, it comes across as a very unfriendly attitude.