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Thread #133745   Message #3039727
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Nov-10 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
As Andrew said, "Why have a belief at all?"

Beliefs are usually just opinions, and opinions can be in error, therefore beliefs are very often in error as well...and this goes just as much for the nonreligious (who have all kinds of beliefs and opinions about stuff that they don't necessarily KNOW yet) it does for the religious, who likewise have all kinds of beliefs and opinions about stuff that they don't necessarily KNOW yet. They may think they KNOW it. ;-D But if they haven't dealt with it directly through actual experience, they don't KNOW it, they just have an opinion about it.

So why have beliefs? Beliefs are just a bunch of talk. But if you KNOW something by direct experience, you know it without a doubt. Like I know what an apple is! Because I've dealt with apples. And if you don't know it, you are welcome to have any opinion you want about it, but you should be honest enough to admit you don't know it...and can neither confirm or deny it with absolute certainty. No one here can either confirm or deny the existence of God, unless they've had some sort of direct encounter with what they would term "God" which case they KNOW it to their own satisfaction allright, but they cannot provide that knowledge or prove it to anyone else, and neither can anyone else disprove it, and it's a waste of time TRYING to prove it or disprove it to anyone else.

I don't believe in reincarnation...nor do I disbelieve in reincarnation....but my opinion about reincarnation is that it's quite likely something that does happen and is real, and I base that opinion on a whole bunch of stuff I've encountered or read about...but it's not a belief of mine. It's an opinion of mine.

I don't believe or disbelieve in God. I have no basis for either believing or disbelieving in God at this point, because I haven't had a direct encounter with God (that I was aware of) and there's no possible way I could with certainty prove that there is no God either.

I KNOW I'm alive. And that I'm human. And that I'm sitting here at my desk and typing as I type this. Those aren't beliefs, they're direct knowledge.

I think that I probably have a soul, and that there is probably an afterlife. It's not a belief either. It's an opinion. I think there are probably aliens visiting this planet from time to time. Not a opinion. I think there was a plot to kill John Kennedy that involved other people, not just Lee Harvy Oswald. Not a opinion.

Who needs "beliefs"? All we have is what we KNOW for certain....and the rest is our opinions...and our opinions are formed on the basis of what we think is most probable, and that's all there is to it.

You can disagree with an opinion, but why attack it on the basis of it supposedly being a "belief" when it's just an opinion? Just recognize that it is an opinion, and if you want to disagree with it, that's fine, but if you cannot disprove it, don't act like you absolutely KNOW whether or not it is so. Cos you don't. You just have another opinion.