The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133825 Message #3039771
Posted By: PoppaGator
24-Nov-10 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Subject: RE: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Here in New Orleans, we have an individual who takes it upon himself to paint over any and all "graffitti" with rectangles of plain gray paint. Banksy has been here (quite visibly), and his works have been among the many bits painted-over by this particular zealot, who does not distinguish between gang-oriented "tagging" and other kinds of painting.
In many cases, property owners have expressed their opinion that the original "street art" did not bother them at all, and that they wish the stuff had never been painted over. The flat plain rectangles (in varying shades of gray and sometimes tan) are eyesores themselves, often much less attractive than what they covered up.