The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133765 Message #3039819
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
24-Nov-10 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
Canada's anti-polygamy law was enacted in 1890. The first Mormon colony in Canada was established in 1888, by Charles Card. Prime minister John A. Macdonald told him that he wanted no truck with polygamy. By 1890, both mainstream and dissenting Mormons still favoring multiple spouses settled on the Prairies. The law at the time was Mormon-specific; not until the 1950s was the word Mormon removed so that the law could apply to all (Muslims, etc.). Extracted from a CBC article. The town of Cardston is named for Card; oneof the temples was built there.
Mormons control much of the sugar beet industry in Alberta, and are also big in stock-raising; one ranch in southern Alberta owned by Mormons is over 40 sections.