The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123429   Message #3040503
Posted By: gnu
25-Nov-10 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
Subject: RE: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
WELL! I had Mum out to a store today Xmas shopping and an "old friend" was there. She did a double take when she saw me and walked right up to Mum and asked, "Aren't you feeding this boy?" Whereupon, she proceeded to "half" hug me and slap me on the chest and then gave me quite a chest rub and a few more pats.

I was rather taken aback. Flattered and uncomfortable (or, comfortable?) at the same time. I dunno about this diet thing... it's starting to give me prurient thoughts. And, those kinda thoughts have usually worked out poorly for me.

I dunno if I can be strong enough to keep up my diet and keep down my, ah, er, libido.