The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133744   Message #3040590
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Nov-10 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Thanksgiving
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Thanksgiving
Rich, some of us have felt that way for a long time, but we turned it around to a day in which we are thankfull for whatever blessings we may have/enjoy. Now, if we could just get the school systems up to date. They were better about it back in New England. Out here in the Rocky Mountain west, I noticed kindergarteners coming out of school with construction paper Pilgrim hats and Indian headbands with feathers. I don't blame the teachers...they have to teach the curriculum and don't dare deviate.

Anyway, Happy Giving Thanks to all of my Mudcat friends and thanks, Donuel, for starting this thread and being so chipper! It's good to see.
