The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133825   Message #3040621
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
26-Nov-10 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Subject: RE: BS: banksy art or vandalism
But why does he get it Patsy? I can part answer that by saying media attention. But why that? The way things go it would seem he was the only one capable of these forms of art that can look decent but many of us will somewhere have seen graffiti just as good or as I said before watched some remarkable work by a pavement artist.

How did he get his special celebrity status when he is far from unique?

On the art or vandalism question btw, I suppose it depends. If it is brightening up some drab maybe derelict building, I;m all for it. If it was say painting my (not that I can build one) nice new wall for the sake of graffiti, I'd be calling it vandalism.