The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133825   Message #3040639
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
26-Nov-10 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: banksy art or vandalism
Subject: RE: BS: banksy art or vandalism
VirginiaTam said it all. I went to his free exhibition at Bristol Museum last year and it was such a nice atmosphere especially because it had been such a lousy summer it was good to go along with the masses. The queue of people went right around the building so sections of the queue had to be let in a section at a time for health and safety reasons obviously but it was like that for the whole of the duration which lasted I think quite a few weeks. If they had charged they could have made a fortune. As for graffiti it isn't all just that. A lot of his work you have to look closer for instance in a cage there was what appeared to be a leopard in a tree but look closer and you realise it is a fur coat or in another was a model of a white laboratory rabbit applying make-up the kind of thing that it would have been tested on. You have to take a closer look. The main known works of art were displayed as usual with Banksy stuff dotted about in between so there was the option to look at both. It was an interesting day out. My favourite piece of Banksy art was at the entrance on the roof sat a model of a very downcast potentially suicidal MacDonald's clown looking ready to jump. The other joke too was that for all we knew he could have been wandering around as an attendant observing us too so everyone was eyeing up the staff wondering....... It was fun.