The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133745   Message #3040836
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Nov-10 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Well we'll have to wait and see. Life has never been defined as a phenomenon requiring a certain level of intelligence (in fact, I don't even think intelligence has ever been satisfactorily defined). As an old-fashioned biology teacher, I'm inclined to stick, at least for the time being, until someone comes up with a better list, to the criteria of life that the musty old school books parrot out. Movement in part or whole under own steam, nutrition, respiration, irritability/sensitivity to stimuli, excretion, growth, and - a toughie for the machines I fear - reproduction. Unkindly, many a biologist has also inserted an eighth: possession of controlling nucleic acids. Now that is rather a high bar. As for whether it's equivalent to what evolution achieved, I don't much sign of natural selection going on in the manufacture of machines. You'll need another word.

And I didn't mention God.