The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133151   Message #3041898
Posted By: mikesamwild
28-Nov-10 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
Subject: RE: EFDSS AGM , Wassup?
John A. Re Folk Arts England. I think that initiative undermined local initiatives and I believe that Ryburn 3Step et al deserve all the financial support they can get.
When we set up South Riding Folk Network we did get affiliation and a few hundred from EFDSS through the good offices of Brenda Godrich, but volunteer burnout etc meant that the work wasn't sustained as much as it could have been despite some great work.

I note from the latest 'Board matters' from EFDSS that ACE funding is reduced by 6.9% The next round of funding (2012/13) requires fresh bids by end of jan 2011.

As it always makes sense to match the funders criteria, maybe 'The Big Society' woud make our depressed regions a deserving case, traditional and folk arts are important grassroots cultural forms in forging and maintaining local and regional identity.