The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133923   Message #3042746
Posted By: saulgoldie
29-Nov-10 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Prostitution Just Sex?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Prostitution Just Sex?
Sex is NEVER just sex. It is always, um, loaded.

The issues with prostitution are mostly related to its status as being illegal, to the inequitable treatment of women in all cultures (to at least some degree), and to the inequitable distribution of wealth.

If governments and religions would stay out of people's sexual behavior among conscious, mentally capable, uncoerced adults--note the Libertarian qualifications--we would be a long way towards alleviating most of the related problems.

If wealth was more fairly distributed among the citizens of spaceship earth and women in general were treated more fairly, they would probably choose other options than to submit themselves to the vulnerability to disease and possibility of violence, not to mention the dehumanization.

OTOH, some women, and also men would likely choose it, anyway. I mean, under my ideal circumstances it would be safer, more highly remunerative, and fun, as sex of choice can be.

Anyway, what is prostitution, exactly? Is it prostitution if someone enjoys a free expensive evening of food and entertainment and then has sex with the spender? Is it prostitution only when there is a specific agreement to exchange goods or money for sex?

"I have a fancy car, a beautiful condo with a fantastic view, loads of jewelry, and I go to lots of very interesting and exciting events, and I get to sleep with one man." (Marriage? Prostitution?)

"Yes, I have all that, too. I just sleep with many different men who give me less money each time."

How many partners "giving" how much money or goods make it prostitution?

Sex always involves some sort of exchange of goods, services, emotional satisfaction. It is only the circumstances that differ. The human drive to do it is our most powerful drive, even more than our very survival. Nature makes it that way, because all she needs from us is to make another generation of us.
