The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133924   Message #3042820
Posted By: GUEST,cs
29-Nov-10 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is this a Con?
Subject: RE: BS: Is this a Con?
Never give ANY details out to ANYONE cold calling. Full stop. Don't confirm your name or address or anything, until you've established who's on the other end.

Always get ahead of no-neck drones and con artists on the phone by asking "Hi, who is it please?" straightaway on picking up the phone.

If they ask you a question ("can I speak to Mrs or Mr X? can I speak to your husband? Is this the X household") *don't reply*, just repeat your initial question "Who's speaking please?"

Having established who they are, if you're not interested in talking to them don't answer any of their questions about you, other people, your address, your anything at all, cut through them and clearly say "No thanks, Goodbye" and put the phone straight down.