The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133937   Message #3043167
Posted By: GUEST, RIchard Bridge
29-Nov-10 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: HELP 92 yr old w/ acute eczema
Subject: RE: BS: HELP 92 yr old w/ acute eczema
OK, usual tactful self.


You don't wait for your car to cure itself, you take it to a mechanic. Don't wait for your body to cure itself, take it to a doctor.


I have had various bits of eczema over the years. Usually stress.


The right ones. Fair bit of poke needed, and salycilic acid in the ointment helps with penetration. Try Diprosalic.

Some of you may remember that a few years ago (maybe a year after Jacqui died) my hands were falling to pieces, splits appearing in figertips, not useful for guitarist (ow) and I was trying to play with my fingertips wrapped in band-aids. Other areas were affected but it was the fingertips that bothered me most. Since the DOCTOR tried Diprosalic there has been steady improvement, still some occasional irritation but the fragility and splitting of the skin is pretty well gone.