The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133745   Message #3043246
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Nov-10 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
I am not defining myself in the negative when I say "I am a human being". I think it's a very noble and worthy thing to be a human being.

I am simply avoiding having my humanity crammed into these little narrow mental boxes people have come up with like...


Because, you see...those little boxes are too way small to contain a unique human being. A human being is bigger than those kind of narrow definitions, he goes way beyond those definitions, and they will only serve to mislead.

To know me you must know me not by such labels, but by my entire being....and that takes a good deal of time and acquaintance! It takes patience!

People usually just opt for labelling because they are too mentally lazy to bother taking the necessary time and trouble to actually look beyond the labels when dealing with other people. If they did look beyond the labels, they'd find many unique human beings like themselves, and the labels wouldn't rise up to divide them against one another.

You see the possibility I am holding forth, Steve? I'm suggesting that we can go beyond the trap of labelling ourselves and others and find the many things we have in common rather than fighting over the few things we don't have in common.

That is not negative thinking. It's very positive thinking. I am defining myself be the positive thing I am...and you are that too...not by the many little labels that I am not.