The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25691   Message #304329
Posted By: Clinton Hammond2
24-Sep-00 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: books - ONE masterpiece.
Subject: RE: books - ONE masterpiece.
Hey mousethief!

Ya took the post right out of my mouth! Only I have never made it through Sil... Blech....

I've also never really enjoyed ANY R Heinlein.... except for one short story that wasn't half bad, if a tad juvainile called "All You Zombies"... I think... It was a long time ago...

I'm gonna lump Stephen King inot this list, but as a slightly different beast.. he's the blunderbuss of writing... If you write enough crap, eventually maybe some of it will stink lees than the majority of it...

Sorta the same thing, but slightly different..
