The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133937 Message #3044114
Posted By: VirginiaTam
01-Dec-10 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: HELP 92 yr old w/ acute eczema
Subject: RE: BS: HELP 92 yr old w/ acute eczema
Coal tar soap as is illegal in the EU in non prescription products. Tea tree oil is the approved replacement.
Stupid. I had a tea tree shampoo once and it landed in the been after 3 uses. The itching on head and back was insane.
Tea tree oil may have female hormone properties after 3 boys developed breasts after using oils and hair gels with tea tree oil.
"Researchers in the US believe that the oils may have hormone-like properties that lead to gynaecomastia - the growth of breasts. When the boys stopped using the oils, the breasts disappeared. Writing in New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers say that the repeated use of such oils may disrupt hormonal function."