The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132081   Message #3044457
Posted By: Desert Dancer
01-Dec-10 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't ask don't tell
Subject: RE: BS: Don't ask don't tell
For those wanting to get at the data from the DADT report, it's downloadable from the Defense Dept. here.

I sent an e-mail to my senator (McCain) yesterday urging him to reconsider his position, but I don't have any great hopes that he will, at least in the near future.

Faux News used the A.P. story, but stuck its own spin on the headlines:

"Pentagon plays down resistance to gays among some"


"U.S. Combat Troops Resist 'Don't Ask' Repeal"


I find this an interesting subset of the story: Chaplains v. Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

In the end, change will come, whether by congressional or judicial mandate. I agree with Secretary Gates that it's probably better if they can do it with some planning and preparation, rather than over night.

~ Becky in Long Beach
(registered voter in Arizona)